[CHISE-en:109] Re: Meaning of letters; licence conditions

mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
Sun Aug 24 00:59:50 JST 2014

On Sat, 23 Aug 2014, Ben Bullock wrote:
>      U+8CF8    賸    ⿰月⿱𠔉貝[JK]    ⿰月⿱龹貝[GT]
> what is the meaning of the alphabetical characters?
> The following letters occur within [ and ] in "ids.txt":
> I have the suspicion that J is Japan and T is Taiwan. I cannot guess
> anything about the other letters.

I believe these refer to language versions, and the common ones are the
same one-letter codes used in the Unicode charts:  J for Japan, T for
Taiwan ("traditional Chinese"), G for mainland China ("simplified
Chinese"), K for Korea, V for Vietnam.

> Can you inform me of the licence?

I believe (based on email from Taichi Kawabata, the maintainer) that it is
GPL2 or later, and I'm using it in IDSgrep on that basis.  Digging out the
original email coversation will be tricky because I'm travelling right now
and don't have time, nor access to my usual computer, but I wrote a little
bit about it this the IDSgrep documentation and a header I attached to
IDSgrep's bundled copy of the CJKVI database.

Matthew Skala
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before principles.

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