EasyPG 0.0.1, yet another GnuPG interface for Emacs

Daiki Ueno ueno at unixuser.org
Sat Apr 29 09:09:48 JST 2006


Let me announce the initial release of EasyPG, yet another GnuPG
interface for Emacs.  It consists of two parts:

* "The EasyPG Assistant", a GUI frontend of GnuPG
* "The EasyPG Library", a library to interact with GnuPG

The EasyPG Assistant provides the following features:

    * Cryptographic operations are usable from dired mode.
    * Keyring management interface.
    * Transparent encryption/decryption of *.gpg files.

The EasyPG Library provides the following features:

    * The API covers most functions of GnuPG.
    * Designed to avoid potential security pitfalls around Emacs.

EasyPG is available from http://www.easypg.org/
NOTE: EasyPG is neither a fork nor a re-implementation of PGG.  It can
be usable as a PGG backend.

Daiki Ueno
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