[PATCH] sasl, sasl-cram, sasl-digest, sasl-ntlm, hmac-def, hmac-md5

Simon Josefsson jas at extundo.com
Mon Jan 5 11:13:36 JST 2004

Hello, first thanks for assigning the copyright of these two files.
While writing them, did anyone but you contribute to files?  Have you
merged patches from anyone else?  According to the FLIM ChangeLog and
CVS logs, only the people in To: have made non-trivial modifications
to the files, and the FSF have papers for that.  Can you acknowledge
that this list is exhaustive?

Also, after installing these files into Gnus, I made the following
change to fix a byte compiler warning.  Do you agree with this?  If
anyone is still using the DynLoad patches for Emacs, can you suggest a
better fix?


2004-01-05  Simon Josefsson  <jas at extundo.com>

	* hmac-md5.el (md5-binary): Fix byte compile warning.  (This
	probably breaks emacs with DL patch, but do we care? Is anyone
	still using the DL stuff?)

--- lisp/flim/hmac-md5.el       2001-11-03 00:01:26.000000000 +0100
+++ gnus/lisp/hmac-md5.el       2004-01-05 01:57:21.000000000 +0100
@@ -67,23 +67,14 @@
 (require 'hex-util)                    ; (decode-hex-string STRING)
 (require 'md5)                         ; expects (md5 STRING)
-;; To share *.elc files between Emacs w/ and w/o DL patch,
-;; this check must be done at load-time.
- ((fboundp 'md5-binary)
-  ;; do nothing.
-  )
- ((condition-case nil
-       ;; `md5' of v21 takes 4th arg CODING (and 5th arg NOERROR).
-       (md5 "" nil nil 'binary)                ; => "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
-     (wrong-number-of-arguments nil))
-  (defun md5-binary (string)
-    "Return the MD5 of STRING in binary form."
-   (decode-hex-string (md5 string nil nil 'binary))))
- (t
-  (defun md5-binary (string)
-    "Return the MD5 of STRING in binary form."
-   (decode-hex-string (md5 string)))))
+(defun md5-binary (string)
+  "Return the MD5 of STRING in binary form."
+  (if (condition-case nil
+         ;; `md5' of v21 takes 4th arg CODING (and 5th arg NOERROR).
+         (md5 "" nil nil 'binary)      ; => "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
+       (wrong-number-of-arguments nil))
+      (decode-hex-string (md5 string nil nil 'binary))
+    (decode-hex-string (md5 string))))
 (define-hmac-function hmac-md5 md5-binary 64 16) ; => (hmac-md5 TEXT KEY)
 (define-hmac-function hmac-md5-96 md5-binary 64 16 96)

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