[cmail 8499] Re: Date & Message-id header

中川 誠 Makoto.Nakagawa @ jp.compaq.com
2000年 2月 3日 (木) 14:19:36 JST


In message "Re: [cmail 8499] Re: Date & Message-id header"
    on 00/02/02, Yuh Ohmura <yutopia @ t3.rim.or.jp> wrote:

  >> Meadow 1.12b1 (Emacs 20.5/Mule 4.1)
  >> (replace-match NEWTEXT &optional FIXEDCASE LITERAL STRING SUBEXP)
  >> Mule for Windows (Emacs 19.28/Mule 2.3)
  >> (replace-match NEWTEXT &optional FIXEDCASE LITERAL)


(fset 'replace-match-orig (symbol-function 'replace-match))
(defun replace-match (newtext &optional fixedcase literal string subexp)
  (if string
      (let* ((matched-data (match-data))
	     (len (length matched-data)))
	(setq matched-data (append matched-data '(-2 -2)))
	  (insert string)
	  (if (and subexp (numberp subexp))
	      (if (>= (* subexp 2) len)
		  (setq subexp (/ len 2)))
	    (setq subexp 0))
	  (delete-region (+ (nth (* 2 subexp) matched-data) 1)
			 (+ (nth (+ (* 2 subexp) 1) matched-data) 1))
	  (goto-char (+ (nth (* 2 subexp) matched-data) 1))
	  (insert newtext)
	  (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
    (replace-match-orig newtext fixedcase literal)))

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/***   Compaq Computer K.K.                        ***/
/***   Network and Systems Integration Servieces   ***/
/***   Nakagawa, Makoto(中川 誠)                ***/
/*  F6 E1 41 25 49 DF A8 82  D4 94 4F 0C 95 6B D7 57 */
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