
Yuuichi Teranishi teranisi @
1999年 11月 24日 (水) 14:06:11 JST

At Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:18:00 +0900,
Yuuichi Teranishi <teranisi @> wrote:
> 26 文字と決め打ちでよさそうですね。
> というわけで、substring で文字列を切り出す方法で commit したいと思います。

場当たり的な対処と言われないために、current-time-string の引数の対応

-------------- next part --------------
;;; @@ current-time

(or (fboundp 'si:current-time-string)
    (fset 'si:current-time-string (symbol-function 'current-time-string)))
(defun current-time-string (&optional specified-time)
  "Return the current time, as a human-readable string.
Programs can use this function to decode a time,
since the number of columns in each field is fixed.
The format is `Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973'.
If an argument is given, it specifies a time to format
instead of the current time.  The argument should have the form:
  (HIGH . LOW)
or the form:
Thus, you can use times obtained from `current-time'
and from `file-attributes'.
\[poe-18.el; EMACS 19 emulating function]"
  (if (null specified-time)
    (unless (consp specified-time)
      (error "Wrong type argument %s" specified-time))
    (let ((high (car specified-time))
	  (low  (cdr specified-time))
	  (mdays '(31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
	  (mnames '("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" 
		    "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"))
	  (wnames '("Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat"))
	  days dd yyyy mm HH MM SS)
      (if (consp low)
	  (setq low (car low)))
      (unless (integerp high)
	(error "Wrong type argument %s" high))
      (unless (integerp low)
	(error "Wrong type argument %s" low))
      (setq low (+ low 32400))
      (while (> low 65535)
	(setq high (1+ high)
	      low (- low 65536)))
      (setq yyyy 1970)
      (while (or (> high 481)
		 (and (eq high 481)
		      (>= low 13184)))
	(when (and (> high 0)
		   (< low 13184))
	  (setq high (1- high))
	  (setq low  (+ 65536 low)))
	(setq high (- high 481))
	(setq low  (- low 13184))
	(if (and (zerop (% yyyy 4))
		 (or (not (zerop (% yyyy 100)))
		   (zerop (% yyyy 400))))
	      (when (and (> high 0) 
			 (< low 20864))
		(setq high (1- high))
		(setq low  (+ 65536 low)))
	      (setq high (- high 1))
	      (setq low  (- low 20864))))
	(setq yyyy (1+ yyyy)))
      (setq dd 1)
      (while (or (> high 1)
		 (and (eq high 1)
		      (>= low 20864)))
	(when (and (> high 0)
		   (< low 20864))
	  (setq high (1- high))
	  (setq low  (+ 65536 low)))
	(setq high (- high 1))
	(setq low  (- low 20864))
	(setq dd (1+ dd)))
      (setq days dd)
      (if (eq high 1)
	  (setq low (+ 65536 low)))
      (setq mm 0)
      (setq uru (and (zerop (% yyyy 4))
		     (or (not (zerop (% yyyy 100)))
			 (zerop (% yyyy 400)))))
      (while (> (- dd (nth mm mdays)) 0)
	(if (and (eq mm 1) uru)
	    (setq dd (- dd 29))
	  (setq dd (- dd (nth mm mdays))))
	(setq mm (1+ mm)))
      (setq HH (/ low 3600))
      (setq low (% low 3600))
      (setq MM (/ low 60))
      (setq SS (% low 60))
      (format "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %4d"
	      (nth (% (+ days
			 (- (+ (* (1- yyyy) 365) (/ (1- yyyy) 400) 
			       (/ (1- yyyy) 4)) (/ (1- yyyy) 100))) 7)
	      (nth mm mnames)
	      dd HH MM SS yyyy))))

(defun current-time ()
  "Return the current time, as the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
The time is returned as a list of three integers.  The first has the
most significant 16 bits of the seconds, while the second has the
least significant 16 bits.  The third integer gives the microsecond

The microsecond count is zero on systems that do not provide
resolution finer than a second.
\[poe-18.el; EMACS 19 emulating function]"
  (let* ((str (current-time-string))
	 (yyyy (string-to-int (substring str 20 24)))
	 (mm (length (member (substring str 4 7)
			     '("Dec" "Nov" "Oct" "Sep" "Aug" "Jul"
			       "Jun" "May" "Apr" "Mar" "Feb" "Jan"))))
	 (dd (string-to-int (substring str 8 10)))
	 (HH (string-to-int (substring str 11 13)))
	 (MM (string-to-int (substring str 14 16)))
	 (SS (string-to-int (substring str 17 19)))
	 dn ct1 ct2 i1 i2
	 year uru)
    (setq ct1 0 ct2 0 i1 0 i2 0)
    (setq year (- yyyy 1970))
    (while (> year 0)
      (setq year (1- year)
	    ct1 (+ ct1 481)
	    ct2 (+ ct2 13184))
      (while (> ct2 65535)
	(setq ct1 (1+ ct1)
	      ct2 (- ct2 65536))))
    (setq uru (- (+ (- (/ yyyy 4) (/ yyyy 100)) 
		    (/ yyyy 400)) 477))
    (while (> uru 0)
      (setq uru (1- uru)
	    i1 (1+ i1)
	    i2 (+ i2 20864))
      (if (> i2 65535)
	  (setq i1 (1+ i1)
		i2 (- i2 65536))))
    (setq ct1 (+ ct1 i1)
	  ct2 (+ ct2 i2))
    (while (> ct2 65535)
      (setq ct1 (1+ ct1)
	    ct2 (- ct2 65536)))
    (setq dn (+ dd (* 31 (1- mm))))
    (if (> mm 2)
	(setq dn (+ (- dn (/ (+ 23 (* 4 mm)) 10))
		    (if (and (zerop (% yyyy 4))
			     (or (not (zerop (% yyyy 100)))
				 (zerop (% yyyy 400))))
			1 0))))
    (setq dn (1- dn)
	  i1 0 
	  i2 0)
    (while (> dn 0)
      (setq dn (1- dn)
	    i1 (1+ i1)
	    i2 (+ i2 20864))
      (if (> i2 65535)
	  (setq i1 (1+ i1)
		i2 (- i2 65536))))
    (setq ct1 (+ (+ (+ ct1 i1) (/ ct2 65536)) 
		 (/ (+ (* HH 3600) (* MM 60) SS)
	  ct2 (+ (+ i2 (% ct2 65536))
		 (% (+ (* HH 3600) (* MM 60) SS)
    (while (< (- ct2 32400) 0)
      (setq ct1 (1- ct1)
	    ct2 (+ ct2 65536)))
    (setq ct2 (- ct2 32400))
    (while (> ct2 65535)
      (setq ct1 (1+ ct1)
	    ct2 (- ct2 65536)))
    (list ct1 ct2 0)))

-------------- next part --------------
Yuuichi Teranishi (寺西裕一) <teranisi @>
PGP 5.0i Public Key:
"There's nothing you can do that can't be done..."

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