Shuhei KOBAYASHI shuhei @ aqua.ocn.ne.jp
1999年 11月 12日 (金) 14:14:45 JST

>>>>> In <yosuu2msh4tj.fsf @ jpl.org>,
>>>>> Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka @ jpl.org> wrote:
> XEmacs 19.15 や 20.2 は new custom なので


XEmacs 19.13 は 1995 年の秋(Emacs 19.30 よりも前)に出ているので, old
custom が付属していることもないだろうと思いまして以下のようにしました.

-------------- next part --------------
README.custom --- "old custom" vs "new custom"

For Emacs 19.32 - 19.34 and XEmacs 19.14 users:

"custom" library bundled with Emacs 19.32 - 19.34, XEmacs 19.14, and
Gnus 5.2/5.3 is "old", its API is incompatible with "new custom" bundled
with Emacs 20.1, XEmacs 19.15, or newer, and Gnus 5.4/5.5.

"new custom" for Emacs 19.34 and XEmacs 19.15 - 20.2 is available from
the following URL.


(Note: "new custom" bundled with XEmacs 19.15 - 20.2, and Gnus 5.4/5.5
 is older than this version.)

Before installing "new custom", you should check the following points.

  1) If you stick to Gnus 5.2/5.3 (or any other applications which use
     "old custom"), you should not install "new custom".

  2) If you use Mule (based on Emacs 19), you must apply this patch to
     "new custom".

--- custom-1.9962/cus-face.el~	Wed Mar  4 19:52:39 1998
+++ custom-1.9962/cus-face.el	Mon Mar  9 08:05:33 1998
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
       "Define a new FACE on all frames, ignoring X resources."
       (interactive "SMake face: ")
       (or (internal-find-face name)
-	  (let ((face (make-vector 8 nil)))
+	  (let ((face (make-vector face-vector-length nil)))
 	    (aset face 0 'face)
 	    (aset face 1 name)
 	    (let* ((frames (frame-list))

  3) Applications compiled with "custom" require the same version of
     "custom" at load-time (and run-time).  Therefore, if you use "new
     custom", you must always include "new custom" in your load-path.
     The easiest way to achieve this is "subdirs.el"; if you installed
     "new custom" in "/usr/local/share/emacs/19.34/site-lisp/custom/",
     put the following line to "/usr/local/share/emacs/19.34/site-lisp/

       (normal-top-level-add-to-load-path '("custom"))

README.custom ends here

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